The WT's agent, Arthur Ash told the court that it would take years to sift through all the files, but they sure "redacted them" as in 'lickety splity'!
How does that work?
how jehovah's witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs.
by trey bundy.
reveal news.
The WT's agent, Arthur Ash told the court that it would take years to sift through all the files, but they sure "redacted them" as in 'lickety splity'!
How does that work?
what do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ?
or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.. or is their a responsability of the recpient of the confession to divulge what he/she knows about the crime.?.
what we see in movies ,tv, etc shows it is a no no .but is that true ?the confessional is only between the two involved.?.
When questions are asked, it makes people think.... People need to realize a change is needed.
not only will you hear howie tran, former-bethelite, but irwin zalkins talks about watchtower's child abuse secrets.
debbie mcdaniels talks about her child abuse and you will hear trey actually talking to the jw who molested her..
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cha ching
what do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ?
or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.. or is their a responsability of the recpient of the confession to divulge what he/she knows about the crime.?.
what we see in movies ,tv, etc shows it is a no no .but is that true ?the confessional is only between the two involved.?.
The leadership of JW's have to be concerned that people will question how God's Holy Spirit" and "Christ's leadership" could result in the problems that are occurring & have occurred with child sex abuse in the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
In addition, remember when homosexuality and bestiality were not grounds for divorce? An "adjustment in policy" had to be made. One has to wonder, if Jesus took charge in 1919, how does one explain how these harmful policies hurt the sheep in "God's organization"? The Society wants to avoid answering these questions.
That is why, as Irwin Zalkin (defense attorney for 18 child abuse cases) said, "The WT is acting more like a business."
what do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ?
or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.. or is their a responsability of the recpient of the confession to divulge what he/she knows about the crime.?.
what we see in movies ,tv, etc shows it is a no no .but is that true ?the confessional is only between the two involved.?.
Vidiot: :-) Yep, I was there, I remember when, 'some older ones really don't seem to think it's as big a deal as people nowadays do (i.e., "sin" as opposed to "crime").'
Yep, I knew you were just explaining/ not condoning... as I really think people were not aware of the extent child sex abuse existed (maybe more than you even realized, as a lot of people do not even speak about what happened, I know people who haven't, even ex-JWs) People really did not know how much it hurts kids.
That being said...... After all these years, I was recently struck by the simplicity of it all:
Crime is the key word. Child abuse is a crime. Protect other children. Report it to the police.
how jehovah's witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs.
by trey bundy.
reveal news.
Right now WT is paying a $4,000 a day fine for 'not obeying court orders to turn over all their files. Even the "pagan, harlot riding/ beast worshiping, evil Catholic Church turned over theirs.... Tells you something doesn't it?
Even so, what is $4,000 a day to JW's? With alleged 8 million members, it amounts to .0005 cents a day if EACH member ONLY gave a penny every 20 days.
What that say about the value the WT places on a child's life?
how jehovah's witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs.
by trey bundy.
reveal news.
Trey asks, "Why don't the FBI or police just storm the doors, and take the files?" and Irwin replies, 'because these are 'civil suits' and not criminal ones, o/w they could get a search warrant.'
Why are these 'civil suits'? Because they happened so long ago, the statute of limitations has run out, they cannot prosecute them as 'criminal.'
That would all change if someone comes forth right after it happens... Let's hope someone is going to, and then we will see what happens!
in english below:.
"i was a jehovah’s witness pastor"
"They have modified merely aesthetic aspects, always omitting, unequivocally, the need to report all sexual abuse to minors."
Thank you, Barbara & Joe, I am glad that this article got translated, and it is heartening to see how concise this ex-JW is in explaining the situation. Juan is able to answer these questions briefly and movingly in depth:
"This is a franchise-worship that manages billions of dollars around the world. Under the guise of a particular Adventism, modified over the years by the different prophets of the Watch Tower, it has conditioned the personal and social life of hundreds of thousands of people, causing them serious problems."
This is a dose of reality to all who read it, maybe less people in Spain will be fooled by the "sincere" people who come to their door.
I hope the United States follows Australia's and England's and Spain's courageous examples.
what do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ?
or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.. or is their a responsability of the recpient of the confession to divulge what he/she knows about the crime.?.
what we see in movies ,tv, etc shows it is a no no .but is that true ?the confessional is only between the two involved.?.
It's funny, I was just thinking of starting a thread like this myself. After sifting, sifting, sifting, reading, reading, reading... getting use to reality, I wanted to ask:
What does the word "crime" mean?
Don't people report "crimes" to the police?
In JW world, if someone had their house broken into, and were robbed, would they call the police? or an elder? would they call the "Society first?"
Which "crime" is worse? Robbery? or child abuse?
Not reporting a "crime" is like giving a criminal permission to keep going & going, committing more crimes, hurting more people.
Child abuse hurts people mentally, it takes away their childhood, it puts them in fear, traumatizes them.
Crime is the key word. Child abuse is a crime. Report it to the police.
it occurred to me the other day...the society is loading us up on all types of ways to reach, all types of literature, all types of different ideas, maybe you could use the tools jehovah gave us this way or perhaps you can use it that way, maybe you can volunteer, maybe you can go where the need is greater, maybe you can give more $$$, maybe you can give more time, maybe you can look at how you can be in the ministry more, maybe you can meditate more, maybe you can do this or that for your family study, maybe you can talk to a seasoned witness & find out how they.....& i know there are tons of other things maybe we can do....or yes, forgot this one, maybe you can quit your job....then maybe you can get some rest, because you can't serve jehovah when you are tired.
how can you get more rest if, you don't have no money to live indoors...anyway, with all these maybe's we can do..... it came to my mind that the gb isn't here as of yet & it seems the org.
is pressing the friends for bible studies...they are saying....we are giving you all these tools & so why are you not getting bible studies or return's almost as if they are brow-beating more because the society has given you's not us, folks just ain't listening to us at the door any more....they are not even opening up the door.
"Maybe you could".....
Hey, GB.... maybe you could stop asking for money!
Maybe YOU could go to work and support us!
Maybe YOU could build us a K Hall with YOUR money, your time, your energy then put it in our names? for free?